So I set myself up for some drama yesterday. Last November I started seeing a guy, who then ended things. In December he showed up again, only to disappear again in January.
Out of nowhere, he IM'd me yesterday. No, wait, in all fairness, I have to say, I had e-mailed him back in January asking him to just give me confirmation in was over. Turns out he thinks we're incompatible and he's sorry he hurt me, but we had some good times, didn't we?
Ok, if he doesn't think we're good together, he has every right to end things. But to wait two months to grow the 'nards to tell me? That's just tacky. I think at a certain point apologies lose their ability to be sincere, and just move into the territory of being said to ease the apologizer's conscience.
That said, it still feels good to not have any loose ends out there. It took me twenty years to figure it out, but I'm not going to forget that it is better to be alone than to be with the wrong man and lonely anyway.
Here's to defying gravity solo for the time being!
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