Thursday, September 25, 2008

Fight Slurkiness!!!

I was driving home the other day and in a bit of a mood. While I was stuck on the on ramp, out of the corner of my eye I saw a movement. When I looked, it was a little girl in the minivan next to me, waving hello.

I waved to her and smiled. She smiled back. And just like that, my slurky mood was gone. It was just that easy.

I often wonder why people don't bother to make the world happier. I'm not talking about a curing cancer or ending world hunger type of happier. I mean the easy things.

Holding a door open for someone with their arms full.

Letting people merge into your lane on the freeway.

Thanking people who show you kindness.

Or, we can all revert back to children and wave at drivers on the freeway, just to see them smile.

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