Thursday, December 10, 2009

The most wonderful time of the year...

Everyone has holiday traditions, right? For me, it's the December edition of missung lyrics.

My favorite is Nat King Cole's "The Christmas Song"-
"And so, it's been said, many times, many ways
"Merry Christmas, screw you"

But there's also "Deck the Halls". Everybody knows the Fa la la la la part. But how many know the second verse? I'll bet I'm the only one that sings:
"See the blazing yule before us, fa la la la la, la la la la
Strike the harp and then Chuck Norris, fa la la la la, la la la la"

And there's the version of "Let It Snow" that a high school friend of mine liked until I sang it a few too many times in her presence.
"And since we've nowhere to go
You're a ho, you're a ho, you're a ho"

Anyway, whether traditional, unique, or just plain twisted, may you and yours have a great holiday season!