If you've ever seen my apartment, you'll know it's right by a man made pond. A pond swarming with avian life. It has geese, ducks, and last summer there was even a heron making regular appearances. (I made sure to keep the SRM locked inside when the heron was around.)
I love watching them. Hours of senseless entertainment. And there's one duck that always stands out. I don't know how else to describe her than blonde. Her feathers are all cream to light brown. And last week the SRM and I noticed that she's been hanging around the garages at the far end of my side of the apartment complex. We saw her there every morning last week, and it seems odd because it is so far from the pond and she's always there alone.
Then we walked by yesterday morning. She wasn't there. But...as we walked past one of the small planters, we saw the object of her fascination. She's nested there. And there are eggs.
This morning instead of quacking at us and waddling off as she usually does, she stayed on her next. I'm taking that as a sigh that her duckings will be making an appearance soon.
I can't wait to see them. Hopefully at least one will get its coloring from its mother. :^)